Discussion about stat consulting, stat packages, applied statistics and data analysis by statistical consultants of Academic Technology Services at UCLA. Please leave your comments or send us email at stattalk at ats.ucla.edu

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Best of Stata 10

Its dangerous to try to pick out the best new features of a software package before you actually get your hands on it but I'm feeling in a daring mood. I chose features that I have either been waiting for or features that will make my statistical life easier. Since I'm the Mac guy around here anything that allows me to avoid windows software will make my life easier.

First feature: Stata 10 will have a mechanism for dealing with strata with singleton PSUs. This will make life much easier because it is a common occurance among our clients.

Second feature: Stata 10 has a new command for multilevel logit models. This can, of course, already be done in -gllamm- but it be interesting to see if it runs faster and is easier to use than -gllamm-. The HLM people will be including this in their SuperMixed program that comes out in the fall.

Third feature: Stata 10 has a new exact logistic estimation command. No more having to run LogExact in windows. I hope.

Bonus feature: Stata 10 finally gets a full discriminant analysis procedure. I know this is not on top of everybody's wish list but I like discriminant analysis and find it useful in interpreting some maonva's. Further, I will get to retire my -daoneway- ado program.

So these are my pick's, what are your's?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like the new way the variables are presented in the the variables window. Now it's much easier to see the label and the type. In Stata <10 the labels were almost always partially hidded.
