The StatTalk podcast is on a bit of a hiatus. We are not sure when it will return. However, until that time, we, the ATS stat consultants, will be using this blog to continue the conversation that was begun in the podcasts. We will be posting to this blog from time to time. Hopefully, on a regular basis. We want to keep talking about statistical packages, data analysis and applied statistics. We will also talk about our stat consulting experiences because they raise interesting issues concerning data analysis and statistical software. Hopefully, this will be read by people interested in the topic and who will want to share their comments with us. Just to be very clear about things. This blog is not a place to send your statistics and data analysis questions. It is a place to discuss these topics. We can only provide statistical consulting for UCLA researchers. However, if you are a UCLA graduate student, faculty or staff you can email your questions to

. If you want to send a comment to StatTalk, please email us at StatTalk